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How to increase body strength naturally

How to increase body strength naturally

Maca naturally boosts testosterone levels naturally

How to increase body strength naturally. When your testosterone count increase your energy levels go up even with out the pre workout.
You will gain strength like a 20 year old again. Studies show with 80 men on Maca and 80 men using no Maca in their 40s show stamina & Endurance within a week of taking it.

Increase strength naturally

The more type 2b fast twitch muscle fibers you produce you become a beast. Time to get rid of the man boobs and be the Alpha.


Maca root extract capsules also give you the edge if your even a swimmer. Increase your performance get your VO2 Max up and go for the gold. Out perform yourself as well as the other athletes the last time you did your sets in the pool.

How to increase body strength naturally

Honestly the best way to be an Alpha while your stocking up on the Maca Root Extract capsules is to do the training below:

Build Serious Strength and Size with a 5×5 Workout Program

You need to commit and not be a wimpy millennial! 5×5 works best as a long-term commitment of at least a month or two, not a once-in-a-while thing. Otherwise get back to playing video games in the metaverse!

What Is 5×5 Weight Training?

Rather than doing a lot of different movements for each muscle group, 5×5 training hits just a few movements hard with 5 sets of 5 reps, sometimes followed by optional higher-rep accessory work. Here is the classic method:


Barbell back squat in a cage

5 sets, 5 reps (rest 2 min.)


Barbell Bench Press – Medium Grip in a cage

5 sets, 5 reps (rest 2 min.)


Barbell Row with perfect form no distractions

5 sets, 5 reps (rest 2 min.)

The key is to calculate your 1 rep max and multiply that with 90 percent. So your using 90 percent of your 1 rep max for a total of 5 reps. Make sure you get a spotter that can actually lift that weight just in case.

Do this for 12 months strength Training and write it in the 5X5 journal! Make sure you do not get off the Maca Root extract capsules because your testosterone will be used at a 100 percent.

Another thing do not drink alcohol and have sex once every 3 months or else you will become a beta again! Lol

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